Research groups
Daniel Radford-Smith
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Research Interests
My current research interests include the neurobiological basis of mood disorders, in particular depression and anxiety. I focus on the relationship between the gut microbiome and brain health, including the mediating role of the immune system. I have a special interest in metabolomics techniques, both as a mechanistic approach to understand gut-to-brain communication and as a tool for biomarker discovery for precision medicine.
Recent publications
Impact of Serotonin Transporter Absence on Brain Insulin Receptor Expression, Plasma Metabolome Changes, and ADHD-like Behavior in Mice fed a Western Diet.
Anthony DC. et al, (2024), Biomolecules, 14
Sodium fluoride preserves blood metabolite integrity for biomarker discovery in large-scale, multi-site metabolomics investigations.
Xiong W. et al, (2024), Analyst, 149, 1238 - 1249
Live or heat-killed probiotic administration reduces anxiety and central cytokine expression in BALB/c mice, but differentially alters brain neurotransmitter gene expression.
Chan KW. et al, (2023), Neuropharmacology, 235
A multivariate blood metabolite algorithm stably predicts risk and resilience to major depressive disorder in the general population.
Radford-Smith DE. et al, (2023), EBioMedicine, 93
HDL and LDL have distinct, opposing effects on LPS-induced brain inflammation.
Radford-Smith DE. et al, (2023), Lipids Health Dis, 22