Research groups
Peter P Somogyi
Emeritus Professor of Neurobiology
Key publications
Changing phase relationship of the stepping rhythm to neuronal oscillatory theta activity in the septo-hippocampal network of mice.
Joshi A. and Somogyi P., (2020), Brain Struct Funct
Synaptic organisation and behaviour-dependent activity of mGluR8a-innervated GABAergic trilaminar cells projecting from the hippocampus to the subiculum.
Katona L. et al, (2020), Brain Struct Funct
GABAergic Medial Septal Neurons with Low-Rhythmic Firing Innervating the Dentate Gyrus and Hippocampal Area CA3.
Salib M. et al, (2019), J Neurosci, 39, 4527 - 4549
Shared rhythmic subcortical GABAergic input to the entorhinal cortex and presubiculum.
Viney TJ. et al, (2018), Elife, 7
Connectivity and network state-dependent recruitment of long-range VIP-GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus.
Francavilla R. et al, (2018), Nat Commun, 9
Behavior-Dependent Activity and Synaptic Organization of Septo-hippocampal GABAergic Neurons Selectively Targeting the Hippocampal CA3 Area.
Joshi A. et al, (2017), Neuron, 96, 1342 - 1357.e5
Recent publications
Tonic GABAA receptor mediated currents of human cortical GABAergic interneurons vary amongst cell types.
Field M. et al, (2021), J Neurosci
Changing phase relationship of the stepping rhythm to neuronal oscillatory theta activity in the septo-hippocampal network of mice.
Joshi A. and Somogyi P., (2020), Brain Struct Funct
Synaptic organisation and behaviour-dependent activity of mGluR8a-innervated GABAergic trilaminar cells projecting from the hippocampus to the subiculum.
Katona L. et al, (2020), Brain Struct Funct
GABAergic Medial Septal Neurons with Low-Rhythmic Firing Innervating the Dentate Gyrus and Hippocampal Area CA3.
Salib M. et al, (2019), J Neurosci, 39, 4527 - 4549
Connectivity and network state-dependent recruitment of long-range VIP-GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus.
Francavilla R. et al, (2018), Nat Commun, 9