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Davis Group | Chemistry of Carbohydrates and Protein
Our research comes under the broad heading of the chemistry of Carbohydrates and Proteins. The reactions and manipulation of sugars and proteins have fascinated organic chemists for over a century and this work is culminating today in a host of new drugs for treating diseases.
Timm Group | Cardio-oncology and metabolism
Chemotherapy can cause heart failure in cancer survivors. We are interested in the mechanism of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity, specifically the role of mitochondrial metabolism in the pathophysiology of ensuing heart failure.
Lanyon-Hogg Group | Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Our group uses synthetic chemistry and biochemistry to develop small-molecule therapeutics and generate new insights into fundamental biology. We are interested in using tool molecules and interdisciplinary methodology to identify and validate new drug targets and mechanisms of action.
Viney Group | Neuroanatomy & In Vivo Neurophysiology
Most, if not all, neurodegenerative diseases are defined by the build-up of amyloids - insoluble, fibrous cross-β sheet aggregates of protein. Disorientation is a key early symptom of dementia, but why and how do people become disoriented? The Viney Group investigates the association between amyloids and neural circuit mechanisms underlying spatial orientation in the rodent and human brain. Our main focus of research is on the Papez circuit, a collection of subcortical and cortical brain areas important for spatial navigation, orientation, episodic memory, and cognition. As well as defining cell types of the Papez circuit, we want to understand why specific parts of this circuit accumulate amyloids. Our ultimate goal is to find early biomarkers and develop strategies for slowing down or preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Smith Group | Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA) and B Vitamin Research Group
The Group investigates the role of micronutrients, especially B vitamins, in relation to functioning of the brain, in particular in prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia, and in the causation of obesity.
Somogyi Group
Co-ordinated neuronal activity is intrinsically linked with behaviour and malfunction of neuronal coordination results in psychiatric and neurological disorders. Timing is crucial for neuronal integration including events lasting from milliseconds up to several seconds. Much of the neuronal activity is rhythmic in the brain, as rhythmicity facilitates local and global interactions and enables the representation of temporal sequences.
Burton Group | Cardiac Dynamics and Pacemaking Research
We investigate sub-cellular anatomy, especially spatial localisation of organelles, and the role of lysosome mediated calcium signalling in normo- and patho-physiology. Some of the techniques employed in our research include confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, MRI and optogenetics and high-speed optical mapping.
Dora Group | Vascular Pharmacology Research
We use electrophysiological and live cell imaging techniques to investigate the fundamental mechanisms controlling the diameter of small arteries and arterioles in health and disease.
Sitsapesan Group | Intracellular Ion Channels and Ca²⁺ Release
The release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores is of fundamental importance in cell biology, initiating and regulating a wide variety of cellular functions including muscle contraction, fertilisation, cell division and neurotransmitter release. The focus of our laboratory is the study of intracellularly located ion-channels, particularly in regard to cardiac physiology and disease.
Vasudevan Group
We work on drug discovery and target identification for a range of brain-related and metabolic disorders.
Lei Group | Cardiac Signalling Group
Our research mainly seeks to unravel the complexities of cardiac electrical function and its signalling regulation both in physiological and pathological conditions. It will lead to a better mechanistic understanding of hypertrophic and arrhythmic disorders, culminating in the development of more effective therapeutic interventions. We employ cutting-edge techniques encompassing genetic manipulation technologies and multi-scale electrophysiological, optogenetic, and molecular approaches.
Akerman Group
Our group studies the principles underlying synaptic circuit formation and plasticity. These processes are fundamental to normal brain function, and are implicated in disorders such as epilepsy, schizophrenia and dementia.
Sharp Group | Neuropsychopharmacology Research
Our work focuses on understanding the organisation and function of certain neural pathways in the brain that are linked to psychiatric disorder. We are using this knowledge to help identify drugs to improve the treatment of psychiatric disorder.
Churchill Group | Chemical Tools and Drugs Discovery
We identify and develop small molecules, as either chemical tools to explore basic biology or as drugs to treat disease. We pursue mechanisms controlling calcium signalling and treatments for psychological disorders such as bipolar.
Garland Group | Vascular Pharmacology Research
We use electrophysiological and live cell imaging techniques to investigate the fundamental mechanisms controlling the diameter of small arteries and arterioles in health and disease. These blood vessels regulate tissue blood flow and pressure.
Parrington Group | Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Signalling
The group’s principal research interest is in using molecular approaches to study how calcium signalling governs key physiological events.
Potter group | Medicinal, Biological Chemistry & Drug Discovery
We design, synthesise and evaluate biologically active molecules and work at the interfaces of Chemistry with Biology and Medicine. Our synthetic tools probe cell signalling and in Medicinal Chemistry our drugs have reached numerous clinical trials, with clinical benefit for cancer patients.
Tammaro Group | Molecular and Systems Pharmacology of Vascular Ion Channels
Our research aims are two-fold: i) to determine the molecular mechanisms that underlie the function of vascular ion channels, and ii) to identify new ion channel targets and specific drug compounds with the goal of modulating blood vessel function for therapeutic benefit.