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The latest David Smith Lecture in Anatomical Neuropharmacology was held in the Department on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Professor Annette Dolphin from the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology at University College London presented a highly engaging lecture entitled "Drugs and trafficking: lessons from voltage-gated calcium channels".

(right) Professor Annette Dolphin is presented with a commemorate plaque, by Professors David Smith and Peter Somogyi and Associate Professor Paolo Tammaro, following her Davd Smith Lecture and (left) Annette answers questions from students in the audience

Professor Dolphin's group has expertise in the field of neuronal voltage-dependent calcium channels, and our current work has particular reference to the role of accessory subunits, beta and alpha2delta. They are examining how these subunits modulate the channels and how these interactions are affected in disease states or by drugs.

These annual Award Lectures, established in 2008, celebrate how Professor David Smith taught and mentored generations of scientists who have been pioneering the exploration of the molecular and spatio-temporal dynamics of neuronal systems world-wide. Subsequently, the subjects were expanded to all spatio-temporal biological interactions in the fields covered by the Department.

A recording of Professor Dolphin's serminar can be viewed here alongside other recent lectures in this series.

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