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Graduate students announce formation of Oxford Pharmacology Society
4 December 2018
At a recent event in the Department of Pharmacology, featuring DPhil and MSC students along with early career researchers, the formation of the Oxford Pharmacology Society (OPS) was announced.
Antiarrhythmic drugs – an updated classification after 50 years
23 October 2018
In the late 1960s Miles Vaughan Williams, a member of the staff in the Oxford Department of Pharmacology and Fellow of Hertford College (1955-85), introduced a novel classification of drugs used to treat cardiac arrhythmias. This scheme has been very widely used around the world and has led to the de…
Crystallography of new drug class facilitates structure-based design
16 August 2018
The Potter group, leading an international collaboration, has discovered newly-designed synthetic microtubule disruptors with excellent activities and desirable drug-like profiles. This first example of a new drug class bound to tubulin to be explored crystallographically opens up new avenues for structure-b…
Lipid accumulation in the brain may contribute to Parkinson's disease
30 July 2018
A collaborative team of researchers from the Platt lab and the Isacson lab (McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School) has found that elevated levels of certain types of lipids (fat molecules) in the brain, called glycosphingolipids, may be an early sign of Parkinson's disease.
Rhythmic brain signals supporting memory
18 July 2018
Isn’t it extraordinary that we can record and retrieve memories of our lives all the time? The ability to make new memories and retrieve old ones is often associated with rhythmic electrical activity in a structure of the brain called hippocampus, as damage to this structure results in an impairment of memory.…
New endogenous cell signalling molecule discovered
11 June 2018
The Potter group has been part of an interdisciplinary and international research team that has discovered a new endogenous cellular molecule called 2′-deoxyadenosine 5'-diphosphate ribose (dADPR) that may play an important role as a chemical signal in autoimmune and metabolic disorders, such as obesi…
Transcriptome analysis from a small number of neurons purified from the aged mouse brain
21 May 2018
The Minichiello Group in collaboration with the Nerlov laboratory and FACS facility at the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, has established new methods to isolate brain neurons from the adult and aged mouse. This makes it possible to perform unbiased studies of aging brain neurons from relatively…