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Two-dimensional NMR lineshape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments.
NMR spectroscopy provides a powerful approach for the characterisation of chemical exchange and molecular interactions by analysis of series of experiments acquired over the course of a titration measurement. The appearance of NMR resonances undergoing chemical exchange depends on the fre…
Synthetic Nucleosomes Reveal that GlcNAcylation Modulates Direct Interaction with the FACT Complex
AbstractTranscriptional regulation can be established by various post‐translational modifications (PTMs) on histone proteins in the nucleosome and by nucleobase modifications on chromosomal DNA. Functional consequences of histone O‐GlcNAcylation (O‐GlcNAc=O‐linked β‐N‐acetylglucosamine) are larg…
The Minimum Protein Staple? - Towards 'bio'-Baldwin's rules via inter-phosphosite linking in the MEK1 activation loop.
In small molecule organic chemistry, the heuristic insight into ring-forming processes that was enabled by Baldwin's rules some 50 years ago proved a step-change in the role of mechanistically guided synthesis. It created a lens upon and marker of fundamental stereoelectronic and conformation-guided chemic…
On matching and mismatching in protein chemistry
Post-translational protein editing methods that rely upon precise chemical alteration of sequence and hence function are of increasing utility. Whilst the role of proteins as chiral environments is functionally ubiquitous in their interaction with substrates or ligands, the influence of stereochemical ‘matching/mismat…
Late-Stage Functionalization of Living Organisms: Rethinking Selectivity in Biology.
With unlimited selectivity, full post-translational chemical control of biology would circumvent the dogma of genetic control. The resulting direct manipulation of organisms would enable atomic-level precision in "editing" of function. We argue that a key aspect that is still missing in our ability to do this (at least with…
Von der chemischen Mutagenese zur Postexpressions‐Mutagenese: eine 50 Jahre währende Odyssee
AbstractDie ortsspezifische (Gen‐)Mutagenese ist das wichtigste Verfahren zur Umwandlung eines Protein‐Aminosäurerestes in einen anderen. Bis vor kurzem war diese Strategie auf die zwanzig Standardaminosäuren beschränkt. Die ständige Weiterentwicklung der Stopp‐Codon‐Suppression und verwandter Techn…