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The heart’s own adrenaline-producing cells can control heart rhythm
4 May 2018
The group led by Ming Lei has discovered that the heart can regulate its own rhythm by releasing adrenaline (epinephrine) from a specialised kind of heart muscle cell that contains the enzyme that makes adrenaline.
Rhythmic networks in the brain that help us find our way in the world
18 April 2018
The Somogyi group discovered a rhythmic subcortical inhibitory (GABAergic) nerve cell population in a part of the mouse brain called the medial septum that projects to both the dorsal presubiculum and entorhinal cortex but avoids the hippocampus. As set out in a recent paper published in eLife, the group name…
Growing up as a Pharmacologist
26 October 2017
Professor David Smith reflects on a research career which spans over fifty years