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Tammaro Group | Molecular and Systems Pharmacology of Vascular Ion Channels
Our research aims are two-fold: i) to determine the molecular mechanisms that underlie the function of vascular ion channels, and ii) to identify new ion channel targets and specific drug compounds with the goal of modulating blood vessel function for therapeutic benefit.
Minichiello Group | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
We work to find molecular mechanisms that control the activity of nerve cells involved in cognitive processes such as learning and memory, motor behaviour and metabolism.
Platt Laboratory | Lysosomal and Sphingolipid Disorders
Our interests are in lysosome biology and how diseases result from lysosomal dysfunction. Our research spans basic cell biology, disease mechanism and therapy. We have successfully developed drugs that are in clinical use.
Emptage Group | Synaptic Pharmacology
We are interested in synaptic transmission. We wish to understand the way in which synapses behave when functioning normally but also how they change during memory formation or when struck by diseases such as Schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s.