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Research integrity:

The University is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and expects its students to maintain these standards in their research. Academic misconduct is unethical; it devalues your research, the work of your colleagues and your institution.

The University’s policies on Academic Integrity in Research, Animals in Scientific Research, Conflicts of Interest, Data Protection, Equality, Health and Safety, Information Technology, Intellectual Property and Public Interest Disclosure can all be found online.  Additional guidance on research integrity and ethics can found on the University’s Research Support pages.

The University’s Academic Integrity in Research: Code of Practice and Procedure describes the procedure for dealing with misconduct due to fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or deception in proposing, carrying out, or reporting results of research, and deliberate, dangerous or negligent deviations from accepted practice in carrying out research.

Graduate students should be familiar with University’s policy on plagiarism and citation, and new students are required to complete the online course Good practice in citation and the avoidance of plagiarism (accessible via Weblearn) before they are given access to the University network.

Members of the University have a responsibility to report incidents of misconduct and allegations will be investigated in strictest confidence.


Training and skills

There are many teaching and learning opportunities for students in the University, and the Research Councils recommend that Graduate Research Students should spend 10 days a year on graduate skills training and attend at least 50 seminars. Courses are listed on the Medical Science Division’s Skills Programme website.

Some training and skills form a compulsory part of the course, whilst others are tailored individually. Your Supervisor will advise you on your training programme. Documentation of training and new skills is required at the Transfer of Status and Confirmation of Status, though this is not currently part of the formal assessment.

Students are encouraged to keep a logbook of training, alongside seminars and other meetings they have attended. They should record progress in training in their termly reports, which they can access via the Graduate Supervision System (GSS).

The University expects its Graduates to develop skills in the following areas.

  • Research Skills and Techniques: an advanced knowledge of your field, critical analysis, the ability to recognise and validate problems, the development of hypotheses and concepts.
  • Research Environment: an awareness of context, rights and data protection, good practice, health and safety, funding and exploitation.
  • Research Management: understand project management, the use of information and other resources, and the use of information technology.
  • Personal Effectiveness: willingness to learn and acquire knowledge, creativity, innovation, self-awareness, self-discipline, motivation, thoroughness, recognition of boundaries and appropriate use of support, initiative and self-reliance.
  • Communication Skills: contribution to public understanding, support of others, defend results in public arena and viva, write clearly and appropriately.
  • Networking and Team Building: develop co-operative networks and good working relationships, understand the impact of our own behaviour, listen, give and receive feedback.
  • Career Management: Understand the need and show continued professional development, take ownership of career, transfer skills, present skills effectively.

Advice and issues

Graduates who have personal, academic or administrative problems and who are uncertain of the proper way to resolve these problems have several possible courses of action open to them. It is usually best to talk to your supervisor first and to the Departmental Director of Graduate Studies or Graduate Studies Administrator for administrative help. Financial problems are often best taken to colleges.

People and organisations to which you can turn for support are:

  • Your Supervisor, who can consult the appropriate authorities on your behalf.
  • The Departmental Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor Grant Churchill, or the Graduate Studies Administrator, Paula Savin.
  • In your College, you can consult the Senior Tutor, Tutor for Graduates or their own College Advisor.
  • The Graduate Studies Office in the University Offices is a source of advice on forms, deadlines and other advice on the degree process. The Education Committee has oversight of all matters relating to the education of students with in the University.
  • The Student Counselling Service acts in strict confidence and is experienced in helping students with a wide variety of physical and psychological disabilities relating to academic work. Other useful sources of support are listed on the Health and Welfare pages of the University website.

Details on how to make complaints in relation to your degree are available on the University website.


Harassment and bullying

Harassment or bullying are unacceptable forms of behaviour and the University is committed to protecting individuals from any form of harassment or bullying that might prevent them from pursuing their work or studies or from proper use of University facilities.

Online harassment advice includes a link to the University’s Policy and Procedure on Harassment, help available to you, training and links to internal and external support. Complaints of harassment will be taken seriously and may lead to disciplinary proceedings.

Students may contact the Departmental Harassment Officers in confidence: Professor Fran Platt and Professor Nigel Emptage.


Annual leave

DPhil students receive an annual leave entitlement of 38 days (inclusive of public holidays and closure days). All students should check the dates of their annual leave with their supervisors and a holiday form must be completed. Additional leave due to bereavement or medical reasons may be agreed at the discretion of your supervisor and department.