Research groups
Nick Platt
Research Fellow
Recent publications
Impaired antibacterial autophagy links granulomatous intestinal inflammation in Niemann-Pick disease type C1 and XIAP deficiency with NOD2 variants in Crohn's disease.
Schwerd T. et al, (2017), Gut, 66, 1060 - 1073
Immune dysfunction in Niemann-Pick disease type C.
Platt N. et al, (2016), J Neurochem, 136 Suppl 1, 74 - 80
Expression of Ca²⁺-permeable two-pore channels rescues NAADP signalling in TPC-deficient cells.
Ruas M. et al, (2015), EMBO J, 34, 1743 - 1758
Innate immune responses in the brain of sphingolipid lysosomal storage diseases.
Vitner EB. et al, (2015), Biol Chem, 396, 659 - 667
Measuring the phagocytic activity of cells.
Platt N. and Fineran P., (2015), Methods Cell Biol, 126, 287 - 304