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Dr Tracey Marr

Dr Tracey Marr

Tracey Marr

Project manager - OxStem-funded programmes

  • PA to Professor Angela Russell

I began working in the AJR group in 2015 to support Prof Angela Russell and her busy research group. I had joined the Department of Chemistry in 2013 as a project manager/administrator for the European-FP7-funded Innovative Doctoral Programme (IDP) entitled 'Oxford Innovative Organic Synthesis for Cancer Research (OxIOSCR)' with Professors Jeremy Robertson, Angela Russell, Tim Donohoe and David Hodgson. Previously I worked as a business planning consultant for new and young businesses and had established Communities in Business Ltd to deliver business education and training and to support community enterprises. I completed my PhD in 2003 under the supervision of Professor Susan Brooks at Oxford Brookes University to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the aberrant synthesis of 
N-acetyl-galactosaminylated glycoproteins in metastatic breast cancer cells.