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Trevor Sharp

BSc, PhD

Professor of Neuropharmacology

  • Radcliffe Medical Fellow in Neuroscience, University College Oxford
  • Lecturer in Pharmacology, Corpus Christi College Oxford

I graduated in Biochemistry at the University of Birmingham in 1979, and established my interest in neuropharmacology of CNS transmitters in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the University of Nottingham where I obtained my PhD in 1983. I spent the next three years in the Department of Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm with Urban Ungerstedt as a SERC and Karolinska Institute Overseas Fellow.

In 1986 I joined the MRC Unit of Clinical Pharmacology in Oxford, and was appointed to the MRC External Scientific Staff in 1993. I then joined the Department of Pharmacology in Oxford at the start of the new millennium. Throughout my time in Oxford, my research has focused on the pharmacology and physiology of monoamine transmitters, particularly in relation to the treatment and cause of psychiatric disorder. I hold visiting Professorships with the Universities of Maastricht and Hokkaido.  I am currently the Vice-President (Europe) of the International Society for Serotonin Research (ISSR). I was awarded the Irvine Page Lectureship by the ISSR in 2016.

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